Whether by nature or necessity, to own and manage a small business means that you’re a perfectionist. Things have to get done right, or they don’t get done at all because you can’t afford to go back and make mistakes twice. Your AI assistants have assistants at this point, you’ve got different ring tones for everyone in your family to help you decide if you should answer the phone during a critical moment, and you haven’t taken a vacation in years.
No, going on a trip and working the whole time does not count as a vacation.
And although we tend to drive our loved ones crazy, the thing is…we love it! We live for the triumphs, for checking items off our To Do list, for back-to-back-to-back client meetings. You are perfect for your job, and that’s why you started your business to begin with. But what if your business could be stronger if you slowed down, even just a little?
Scientific research suggests that you can be a stronger problem solver by not thinking about your problem too directly. Which means that if you’re working all the time, you aren’t exactly in the position to give your mind the opportunity to do its best work. Sleeping on it is a start, but it’s not the soundest way to go about it.
Think of taking a few steps away from work as an education. If you have close family relations, it’s an easy thing to take a break to spend time with them. Otherwise, we tend to consider a networking event a great night out. No! Participating in activities that aren’t work-related, like taking in an art exhibition, going to the movies, or meeting a friend from college for drinks can provide mental stimulation that may enhance your professional situation. Just because you can watch a video online about the latest and greatest tech or social media marketing strategy doesn’t mean that’s the best way to learn about it.
Shutting down from work even just to sleep is a challenge. If you need to hire someone to monitor your business overnight, do it. If you don’t…shut your data and WiFi off at night. You really don’t need to read those emails until after breakfast. Set realistic business hours so that clients don’t expect an answer from you first thing in the morning. Yeah, there are apps that will delay your emailed reply, but don’t take that to mean you should work all weekend. Start small. Go for a walk around the block and leave your phone at home. Okay, we live in Canada and slipping on ice is a real thing so maybe just turn your data and ringer off. Sign up for an online course that has nothing obvious to do with your work. Attend a craft night and paint your guts out, focusing entirely on your technique and the colours blooming before your eyes. Call your folks, visit your grandparents, text that buddy from college and book drinks. Go away for a weekend, or just stay away from work for a weekend, and set specific times that you will check on work. Then go big and book a week off.
That side project you’ve been thinking of, or that business expansion you’ve been worrying about? Give your mind a break and see if you don’t come back to the issue at hand with stronger focus and better ideas!
Jelly Triangle is here to help you slay your online marketing monsters. We’ve got all kinds of problem-solving techniques to help you cultivate the digital marketing strategy of your dreams. Call to book your commitment-free consultation at (519) 624-8888.