Does your company or product have a byline or tagline?
For example: Jelly Triangle's tagline is "Designed with Insight, NOT Hindsight"
What is the tagline?
What is the main purpose of the website?
When a visitor arrives at the site, what do you want them to do? List the sequence of events you would expect them to go through.
Describe your target audience. Be as specific as possible: Gender, Age, Socio-Economic Status, etc.
What words will your target audience use to search for you?
For example, Our target audience might search for "website design cambridge ontario"
Name all of the services and/or products that you provide.
Which ideals/values does your company believe in the most?
What makes you different from other companies providing the same services/products?
How do you normally talk to prospective clients. What would you say in a face-to-face conversation with them?
Role-play a conversation between the two of you. What do they need to know? What do they want to know?
Describe your company and what you do as if you were talking to your mom's friend.
Describe your company one more time, but this time as if you are sitting in a job interview.
How does a visitor get support or help for something they bought from you?
How does a visitor find out about what's new with your company?
How does a visitor make a purchase, or become a prospect?
What city, region, country, etc. do you provide services or products for?
Explain the logistics of how a client would receive your product or how the service is provided.
How do you want to interact with the visitors to your site? (please check all that apply)
List your biggest competitors and their respective websites. E.g. Company A -