Your name:
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Your Company Name:
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Your Email Address:(*)
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What is the main purpose of the website?
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When a visitor arrives at the site, what do you want them to do? List the sequence of events you would expect them to go through.
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Describe your target audience. Be as specific as possible: Gender, Age, Socio-Economic Status, etc.
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What words will your target audience use to search for you?
For example, Our target audience might search for "website design cambridge ontario"
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Name all of the services and/or products that you provide.
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Which ideals/values does your company believe in the most?
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What makes you different from other companies providing the same services/products?
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How do you normally talk to prospective clients. What would you say in a face-to-face conversation with them?
Role-play a conversation between the two of you. What do they need to know? What do they want to know?
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Describe your company and what you do as if you were talking to your mom's friend.
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Describe your company one more time, but this time as if you are sitting in a job interview.
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How does a visitor get support or help for something they bought from you?
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How does a visitor find out about what's new with your company?
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How does a visitor make a purchase, or become a prospect?
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What city, region, country, etc. do you provide services or products for?
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Explain the logistics of how a client would receive your product or how the service is provided.
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How do you want to interact with the visitors to your site? (please check all that apply)

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List your biggest competitors and their respective websites. E.g. Company A -
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About Jelly Triangle

We're a different kind of community-minded marketing company that is fearless, creative and fun-loving.

We're proving that outstanding marketing doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.

Learn More About Jelly Triangle

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Unit 7, 25 Struck Court
Cambridge, ON
N1R 8L2

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