When you make a financial investment you expect to see numerical facts and colourful graphs. Which is why it’s frustrating to sit down with an SEO consultant only to hear that they can’t tell you how many calls you can expect per hour spent on SEO. Perhaps you will walk away from that meeting and go searching online for a better company, one that can promise a high return on investment. Your search will lead you to a ton of ads promising to deliver you first page Google rankings, and all kinds of incoming traffic, with a side of sales galore! Sounds too good to be true? It is.
Here’s the deal; internet technology is ever-changing, from hardware and software to user interface and interaction. And it’s difficult to reasonably guess what’s coming next because programmers and technologists and dreamers are typically rather tight-lipped about their advances and discoveries until they can patent and sell their idea for top dollar. Search engines and social media platforms have to constantly adjust how they work in order to provide the general population with an intuitive, intelligent user experience. So they tweak how their search engines provide results. All. The. Time.
Search engines want to provide users with top websites to reference, so they have guidelines for website content that include authentic, unique content. Gone are the days where you could just load up the backend of your website with keywords and drop links like they’re hot.
The math that operates the search engine automation evolves daily, which is why promises in terms of search engine ranking, page visits, and sales are delusional if not outright lies. If you want to rank high in search results, you need to provide users with quality content that will answer the questions they’re typing in the search bar. If you want people to come to your website and stay awhile it needs to be easy to use, and play by the rules of the search engines because they’re good at locking on to laziness and dishing out punishment.
If you want quality ads, a quality SEO company can show you trends and success that they’ve had in the past to demonstrate to you that they pay attention to the changes and trends in internet marketing. They still can’t promise to provide your company with the same results because results depend on your in-house marketing strategies, as well as your product or service.
Take a closer look at those facts and figures before you sign a contract. Where are website visitors coming from? Do they fit the demographic of the appropriate audience? How many sales were made in relation to those visitors? There are still companies out there paid to send visitors to a website to pump up the numbers, but those visits don’t result in sales or customer retention. And if your website is a dream to use, your bounce rate might be quite high because people find what they’re looking for quickly, which blows up previously conceived notions about online user habits.
You want an SEO company who understands the value of unique content, who follows trends, who can talk to you about what has worked previously and why it doesn’t anymore. Hire someone who understands how to tailor their services to your company’s needs. Conversion is the key to success, whether it be a sale, a reservation, or a newsletter signup, and the ways in which your customers are guided to that goal depends on a lot more than a search engine ranking.
Contact Jelly Triangle to get some website TLC and find out where your online presence is succeeding or failing in the world wild web!