In July 2018 Google says it will roll out the final phase in its quest to force the internet’s hand in providing secure websites for users. For the last few years Google has been pushing websites to switch from http:// to https:// on every page rather than just pay and login pages. Eyes glazed over yet? Hear us now: If your website doesn’t have that super “s” after the http by July, Google Chrome will tell your mom, and will eventually put you in time out. Sounds extreme, but proving a secure website experience for your customers isn’t a bad thing!
Google Chrome will launch a shiny new update that will automatically flag websites with a URL (developer speak for “address”) that isn’t secured, which literally means that there is not “s” at the end of the http. This service has already begun, but come July it’s going to get very, very real. How will your customers feel if they land on your website and get a notification that your website isn’t secure? Security is everything when it comes to online anything. Well, it should be. Google is aware that not everyone takes the time to look for the security notification on a webpage before plugging in their credit card information when online shopping or username and password for their bank, so they’re doing it for us.
Before you get too worried about your site’s status, and your 2018 website budget, know that switching over from http to https is as simple as hiring a professional developer to do the task and paying for an SSL certificate, which is now affordable even for small business.
So what is that “s” all about and how do you get one? We’re so glad you asked! The “s” literally stands for “secure” and in this case it means the website and browser will encrypt the information you provide into a secret code that can only be understood by the website you intend to trust with your secrets. That means no one loitering online can eavesdrop and pick up your information. It won’t thwart hackers, and it won’t block malware, but it is a very basic part of online security that is soon to become the norm. That “s” is like a Swim At Your Own Risk sign, the difference being that even if you go to the website with lots of other people around you, they can’t jump in to save your information, so wear your lifejacket no matter what.
In order to apply the “s” to all of the pages of your website you need to purchase an SSL certificate, and then apply the update throughout the website. That’s on each page, every link, and then some. A professional website developer will know where to get the best price on your certificate and apply the update quickly, thoroughly, and without damaging your SEO efforts.
Jelly Triangle is prepared to help you convert from http to https! Just give us a call at 519-624-8888 as soon as possible to beat the summer rush!