Not getting enough clicks? Just tweak your landing page. Yes, really!

Not getting enough clicks? Just tweak your landing page. Yes, really! You’ve put a lot of effort and money into marketing to get visitors to your site, and it’s working! But those visits aren’t converting to sales or even newsletter sign-ups.

You start to think that you need a new website, or that you aren’t attracting the right visitors. 

What if all you have to do is change the content of your homepage?

Designing your landing page (a.k.a. homepage) as a sales funnel is a tried, tested and true strategy to get a return on your investment. Instead of using your landing page as a welcome mat, convert leads to customers from the start.

Set up 3 funnels to capture visitors from each stage of the purchases cycle:

    1. Let Leads Spend Their Money

The first funnel’s call to action (CTA) directs leads to do what you most want, such as purchase your product or make a donation. This goes at the top of your page and is easy to find and execute; a “Look No Further” piece. The copy is enticing, succinct and includes your best keywords. Leads attracted to this offer are on your site to spend money. Make that as easy as possible by providing a direct link to your online shop, service request or donation page.funnel

    1. Offer a Trade

The second funnel’s CTA catches leads who are interested in your product but not quite ready to part with their money. Offer something of value when they sign up for your newsletter so that they get a treat and you can keep in touch. Your offer could be an ebook, trial of your new software, or a sample. Your newsletter and the treat should push the lead’s wavering mind off of the fence and into your shop, so invest in quality content.

  1. Keep in Touch

The third funnels’ CTA asks very little of your visitors and can be done quickly, such as a follow on social media channels. The goal here is to catch the lurkers who like to stay in the shadows and watch what’s going on before they get involved. Offering lurkers social media buttons leaves them in control while maintaining direct connection. As with your second funnel, be sure that your social media content is valuable and proves that you are worthy of commitment.

While it’s imperative that your brand be creative, keep your landing page clutter-free, easy to read, and relevant. Make your message clear, your industry authority apparent, and the way to your online shop or donation page simple, and watch with glee as your conversion rates increase.


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